EAS 2.0 - Application Development

There are many good books that caters to the need of good Application Development using Object Oriented Programming methodology. Mook’s Essential ActionScript 2.0’ Part 2 “Application Development” preaches the same but to the point in an easier way for the Flash Developers to understand faster. I particularly like the clear cut explanation to separate the source and the public accessible files for your application. The book advices to have “ApplicationName” folder which contains two distinct folders for the “source” and the public accessible “deploy”.

The choice of names is yours too. I usually have “bin” for the public accessible ones and “src” for all the source. The number of sub folders for distinct modules, parts and patterns is upto you.

This book will definitely help other developers coming into Flash Development to get the feel of Flash easily, quickly and effectively. And for those Flash Designers and Developers who do not wish to move to OOP yet, there are instances where Flash can equally do a good job without relying on OOP or Design Patterns. But, that is not really adviced for a re-usable good Flash Application.

Suggested Reading (this time not from the book):