Brajeshwar v6.0

I have been planning a revamp for almost a year and when I finally did one, it looks like it needed a revamp tomorrow. But then, let me put that tomorrow for another year! I just saw Joshuaink, that kept me pondering if that is a website or a nicely well-kept, mowed garden where beautiful flowers grow. The site is so nice, clean and wierdly beautiful that made my site look like a rectangular match-box with steel frames. Nothing more can I do than just be jealous and admire that site design.

Onwards, browsing through the galley section at CSSVault, I am totally amazed at how people come up with some of the best known UI Designs. Look at the cool UI Designs, Spilt Cocoa, Folietto, JoshDura, Snook, etc.

But then, with the current v6, I have learnt few more xhtml, css tricks and am trying my best to implement some if not all of them;

Finally, version 6.0 is under a real-time upgrade and you might encounter inconveniences! If you are looking for an article, the search facility provided is a good option to try your luck.