Flash Platform, Zorn-Eclipse, Deuce-FlashLite 2.0

Macromedia’s Flash Platform is a lightweight, cross-platform runtime that can be used not just for rich media, but also for enterprise applications, communications and mobile applications. No matter how it’s used, the Flash Platform is designed so that organizations of all kinds can deliver the most effective experiences imagination will allow.

Sho Kuwamoto is blogging about Zorn, an Eclipse based Flex/Flash Development Environment. Macromedia is also working on the next version of Flash Lite, the FlashLite 2.0, code-named Deuce, which is based on Flash Player 7 and will support ActionScript 2.

Kevin Lynch, chief software architect at Macromedia, discusses the technology behind the leading platform for delivering effective user experiences across browsers, operating systems and devices in his whitepaper, Overview of the Macromedia Flash Platform (PDF, 1.55 MB).

Things are indeed shaping up to be extremely exciting with Flash!