Safe-Guard Microsoft Outlook Data

The tip here is an outcome of my tweaking and fooling around with Microsoft Outlook for the past couple of days, and applies aptly to Microsoft Outlook 2003 on Windows XP Professional (because that is what I am running). I did look around for few additional information so that I can give a more better information, like details for lower version(s) of Outlook. This is just a small tip which I wish to remind myself through this article, please search around the Internet, it is flooded with tips and tricks on the similar topic. When I refer to Microsoft Outlook datas here, I am referring to the Mail, Calendar, Notes, Task and all other datas that Outlook handles.

How to store Outlook Datas outside its install folder, better even, outside the System Program Install Drive (usually C: for me)?

What if you did this when you already have your datas stored in the default storage file, well, just go to the Outlook Default Folder and copy-paste that over your new Data Storage File.

Where is the default Microsoft Outlook Data Folder?

In Outlook 2003;

In Windows XP, the default is in “/Documents and Settings/User/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/Outlook”

In Outlook 2002;