
I never realize the importance of ThanksGiving until I experience one myself.

I am somewhere in South Pasadena for over a week, living with a family, dining every day with them, family shopping for clothes, vegetables and everything else in between, watching movies, mixing both business dinners with family/friend getting-to-know meetings. Experiencing Sushi yet again. I wasn’t that comfortable eating it during my last visit in June this year but now I am beginning to like it. I was surprised when the chief chef at Yoshida recognized me with a – Hello, Long Time; No See. Tasted the foods at a Thai Temple (I have forgotten where it was). They have something called “Green Card Lottery”; yes, you can get Green Card through Lottery. Well, they say America is more about foods, merry-making, enjoyment, nice cars, vacations and all the other good stuffs and I am beginning to believe that. The weather in this part of the state is really cool, extremely nice and is really soothing to a person coming from the humid warm weather of Mumbai, India.

On this ThanksGiving day, the family had been frantically piling up cold drinks, preparing foods since early morning to entertain a good amount of guest. The meat balls are tasty, the smell of the huge Turkey had been tempting my taste-buds ever since it puffs out its first aroma.On this ThanksGiving day, the family had been frantically piling up cold drinks, preparing foods since early morning to entertain a good amount of guest. The meat balls are tasty, the smell of the huge Turkey had been tempting my taste-buds ever since it puffs out its first aroma.
