Webvertizement Wave

Is it just me or the World Wide Web is gaining on the advertizement momentum in a bigger way again. Coupla days back, I saw an article in the aggregators about the Million Dollar Homepage which consists of 1 million individual pixels. Each pixel is valued at $1 a piece with a minimum purchase requirement of a 100 pixel block (10 x 10 pixels).

Today I saw Jason from 37Signals and Jeffrey Zeldman wrote about The Deck. Formed by A List Apart, 37signals and Coudal Partners, The Deck is the premier advertising network to reach out to the web and design professionals.

Simple Thoughts reported that Google and its network partners sites displaying its Adsense accounted for most of the company’s earnings. Google posted revenues of $1.578 billion for the quarter ending Sep 30, 2005, up 96% from the third quarter of 2004.