Flash 8 Essentials

This is going to be a very belated review on Flash 8 Essentials. Special Thanks to Tink (Stephen Downs) for gifting me such a colorful book to review. Stephen is one of the authors along with - Paul Barnes-Goggett, Glen Rhodes, Craig Swan, Matt Voerman and Todd Yard.

Just as the title says, this book is about all the new essential features introduced in Flash 8. This is a not for absolute beginners nor for the highly advanced but for the majority average-to-good Flash Developer and Designers. You will be able to read the book from wherever you want and jump to the chapter of your choice; as all the chapters are self contained and deal with a particular feature of Flash 8. This is one helpful not to mention highly colorful book for Developers/Designers who have already been doing Flash and want to keep up with the new features in Flash 8. Well, I went through the book at a zippy speed trying to remind myself if I missed any special features learnt during the beta of Flash 8. The chapters were helpful in reminding you the features available in Flash 8 that you can harness.