Google Mashup Editor

The Google Mashup Editor (GME) allows developers to quickly build and deploy compelling web applications. Besides being able to host your mashups on a sub-domain at, mashups created with GME can also be published to a hosted environment. GME provides simple tools and features that allow you to create mashups in minutes.

Familiarity with XML, Javascript, CSS, HTML is all that you need to start some cool mashups. Of course, the are Javascript API for the advanced developers.

The GME - Editor

A tour of the GME will introduce you to the following

The GME - Feed Browser

The GME Feed Browser enables an integrated view of feeds so that you to easily see what information is contained in a feed without having to load the feed in a separate browser window. Many feeds provided by Google allow you to query and structure data in different ways. The feed browser allows you to query these feeds and preview the output before you code against them.

The GME - Sandbox

The GME Sandbox provides a integrated environment to test your mashup before you publish it. You can publish one version of your mashup and work on another version of the same application. When its ready, publish the new version and it will replace the old one, keeping the data created by your users. Clicking the pop out button will allow you to test in a new browser window while your mashup runs in the sandbox.