New Adobe Flash Media Server 3 released

Yesterday, Adobe announced the Flash Media Server 3 (FMS3) family of products, which provides a more efficient instant-on video experience virtually anytime, anywhere - to the Web, the desktop with Adobe Media Player and to mobile devices with Adobe Flash Lite 3.

The best part of the announcement was that of the new pricing options which gives the customers a wide array of choices for broadcasting of high quality streaming media experiences.

Besides the low cost pricing, some of the other awesome changes to FMS3 are;

This announcements eliminate the barrier to scaling the server-side in terms of connections, bandwidth and licensing cost.

Ted have some good points when he noted;

The explosive growth of web video was ushered in through the use of progressive download and Flash Player. By leveraging the ubiquity of Flash Player, sites like YouTube, VideoEgg, and BrightCove made progressive download the standard for video delivery online. As this market matured so did the demand for higher quality video and content protection. FMS3 provides content protection through encrypting streaming and includes support for streaming HD video online. In lowering the cost of secure HD streaming we will see some amazing growth in the delivery of web video.

Here is another quote from Read/Write Web;

FMS3 also includes significant performance increases over the previous version. Internal Adobe benchmarks show that at 20% CPU usage, Flash Media Server 3 can support more than double the number of streams as version 2.0.4. At 95% CPU usage, the performance gains become even more pronounced.

Enhanced Features in Flash Media Server 3

Pricing and Availability

FMS3 is expected to be available in January 2008 and will ship with special pre-built services making it easier to stream Flash Player compatible video. Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server 3 (FMSIS 3) will be priced at $4,500. For single-server deployments, Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3 (FMSS 3) will be priced at just $995. FMS3 will also be available through select content distribution network providers for customers who prefer to outsource their media deployments.