The spam business that arts in cyberspace

Today there are many types of “electronic-spam”, including the most famous “E-mail spam” aka “unsolicited e-mail”, “Forum Spam”, “Newsgroup Spam” Advertisement and forgery in a newsgroup, “Messaging Spam or Spim” that is spam through instant messaging system for advertisement or even extortion. On the web, there is an important type of spam called “Spamdexing” - the art of manipulating a search engine to create the illusion of popularity of a particular website.

The University of Maryland issued a report in 2003, saying that spam costs businesses approximately $22 billion in lost productivity each year. There seems to be a no easy ways to deal with spam. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said in 2004: “two years from now, spam will be solved”. Well, that is another mis-prediction from Bill Gates.

In 2005, industry analysts said that spam activity will get worse with a projection of damage 2006 close to $70 billion of lost productivity and network maintenance. Furthermore, in 2007 the spam cost is $712 dollars per employee or $71 billion dollars to all US businesses, according to a survey by Nucleus Research and Knowledge Storm.

Here are some tips, techniques and recommendations in order to survive successfully alongside this universal problem of “spam”.

In all these, always keep in mind “Nothing comes so easy, if things begin to seem very easy - something is wrong.”