Tiny Link - a Wordpress plugin to create a TinyURL for your articles

I was in search of a way to automagically get an alternate short link for the lengthy URL of my articles. I tried a plugin but somehow went kaput and never worked for me. I decided to write one for myself and came up with a very simple solution.

Well, Tiny Link is a Wordpress plugin that creates an alternate TinyURL link to your article or post permalink.

I hope this will be useful while sending hyperlinks in emails to avoid the word-wrap for lengthy article URLs. This should also be useful (as far as I can guess) to mobile device users so they will can type a shorter url to read an article.

Download Tiny Link from Wordpress.


The most straight forward usage would be to add this simple script

<?php TinyLink() ?>

to one of your template - “single.php”.

However, a slightly advanced usage will be, to first check if the plugin is installed, if yes, then execute this module. We can even give a direct link to it, so users can copy the link by right-clicking (Mac: Ctrl + Click) the hyperlink.

<?php if (function_exists('TinyLink')) { ?>