Have companies started moving towards Linux?

As the organizations are hit badly by recession, they are looking towards their goal of high performance and delivery; while cutting down on costs. To secure a stable stand in a highly competitive environment they are required to enhance their profitability by increasing productivity. Various companies have successfully made a move to replace their operations from Windows to Linux. Linux plays a promising role of delivering higher performance, better security, freedom from being locked into a single vendor and ultimately lowering the costs. If I consider on the various benefits offered by Linux over its competitors, you will be thrilled to know how fast Linux has taken itself on rolls and has been playing an ever-increasing role to meet the business challenges. The Linux users will know the literal meaning of being blessed with the flexibility and diversity in running of Linux.

An advantage of Linux OS is that it is multiuser and can be easily accessed from anywhere on the network. This allows the user to have full remote access; unlike single user console based OS which requires the user to be physically present and limits the access to a single user at a time. Here in I am not comparing it with MS Windows which has good networking options as well. Linux is also used extensively because it avoids the MS/Windows “DLL HELL”, which causes Windows or its applications to fail when a newer or incompatible run-time dynamic linked library (DLL) is installed. Moreover, Linux allows the networking to be cycled even without shutting down the entire computer which saves time while performing system reboots and at the same time enhances Linux system uptime.

For Linux OS, the kernel is the base. It is responsible for enabling multi-tasking, multi-user, multi-threading, multi-processing, security, interfacing with hardware. The network Linux can support almost any hardware efficiently and earn savings for the companies by running on both old as well as a new hardware, ruling out the problem of premature hardware replacements. The GNU General Public License (GPL) for Open Source software has led to the rapid development as it allows the users to freely copy modify and share the source code. Today companies dealing in telecommunications to software to hardware are betting their future on Linux.

Linux is regarded as the development platform by the enterprises because it is more secure, easy to install and network, more bug free and maximize value than its competitors. In addition to this, high reliability, flexibility, compatibility and scalability of Linux helps in cutting down of management costs. Unlike free Linux, Windows costs a great deal of money for installation of its versions. Again, almost all the settings in Windows are stored in Windows registry; without which none of the applications are functional. This later leads to slower performance and security threats.

To sum it up, companies are looking towards advanced versions and undoubtedly the merits of Linux are likely to stay with Linux later as well. This is a smart move taken by several companies as most of the problems which are faced while using other OS can be eliminated with the use of Linux, building a new platform for the management to save time and earn savings.