Twitter client Twhirl acquired by Seesmic

The acquisition of Twhirl, for an undisclosed amount, by Seesmic is an interesting news from many angle, the most interesting being Twhirl an AIR application which can run on both Windows and Mac, and of course on Linux.

Twhirl is a popular desktop Twitter client, based on the Adobe AIR platform, developed by Marco Kaiser. Besides being able to acess Twitter service directly from the Desktop, Twhirl also cross post to other services like Pownce and Jaiku.

Twhirl is one of the best Desktop Twitter clients available, amongst others like Twitterific and Instant Messenger Clients. Seesmic plans to enhance the application further and eventually make it the official Seesmic Desktop Client.

I hope this news made a sudden burst of interest among Windows, Mac and Linux AIR Developers.

Serial Entrepreneur & Blogger, Loïc Le Meur, who is behind Seesmic have cited many reasons for acquiring Twhirl. The reasons are worth reading and is reproduced here verbatim;