Bright Forecasts made for Linux

It shall not come as a surprise when Linux will be preferred over Windows by some of the world’s largest enterprises. This is exactly what a recent report named New Foundation User Survey portrays, by showcasing the kind of gains that Enterprise Linux is set to achieve in the future. However, a more interesting claim was made about Linux that personifies Linux to be the most sought after system software for Strategic Infrastructure and Development of Internal Applications, whilst Windows servers considered more ideal for consolidation purposes.

This could well mean that those who have been well trained in using Linux systems can never go out of jobs. To add to this, the survey reveals that most or all Linux users are very happy with its functioning and find very few complaints against it. From the point of view of organizations, Linux can easily save a lot of money as there are no license charges to be paid for security purposes. Firms also have the option of demanding the required software for Linux from suppliers. Apart from this, big businesses with Linux systems can save from paying licensing fees and instead hire the best programmers who can churn out whatever software they want on whatever platform. The earlier notion was that corporate firms paid five times more for Microsoft licenses yet the purchase was not satisfying due to certain flaws made at the developer’s end.

The most startling revelation that the survey makes is, as mentioned earlier, the preference of Linux over Windows, wherein Linux is seen as more of a strategic choice. Albeit, the question being raised is whether the survey conducted is valid and if it can be used to determine the fate of Linux. The report is a survey made on about 1,948 Linux users and hence the responses can only be considered as biased and not one that can be counted on to draw valid and strong inferences. It is the same thing as Ford claiming its car to be the top vehicle choice worldwide and will have explosive growth as proven by a study paid for by Ford.

A survey conducted on all kinds of users – all proprietary and open source system users, would have given responses that are more unbiased and which could definitely have been utilized for making valid forecasts of Linux. All things said and done, what needs to be comprehended is the fact that Linux as an open source software system is set to replace quite a few Windows system users at large enterprises with the intention of using Linux for strategic infrastructure and development of applications and use Windows as the consolidating server.