Fusion Garage’s JooJoo exclaims - We’re Still Alive

Nobody would remember anything unless and until there is enough hype hovering around it. Something very similar happened with Fusion Garage’s product named JooJoo. A tablet computer that was launched before Apple’s iPad; yet JooJoo did not receive much of the accolades from either the media or the consumer public.

Reasoning the Failure

There aren’t just one or two reasons that have lead to JooJoo’s downfall before it could even leverage on a potential market such as the Computer Tablet market. There are several causes for its failure. Let’s just take a note a few:

Down but Not Out

The CEO of Fusion Garage Chandra Rathakrishnan still believes in his venture and has raised an additional capital of $3 million totalling the company’s investment to $10 million. The idea now is to initiate an awareness campaign that Fusion’s First-Generation Tablet – JooJoo is still available for sale. It is the same product that was priced $499, comprised a 12.1-inch wide-screen and was Atom-Powered.

Complying with the fact that this product has several deficiencies Fusion Garage has determined to move ahead and fabricate more than one model which will quite evidently be available in different sizes and will house Android as the OS. Depicting the functioning of the Android Tablet not to be similar to the functioning of Samsung Galaxy Rathakrishnan says, “Consumers must think of it as BSD on the Mac.” Few restrictions shall exist on the use of Android and its applications, specifically for users with the JooJoo UI.

The Bright Side

JooJoo’s distinctiveness lies in its device-to-device state synchronization; meaning users will have no worries of loosing content since whatever you are doing on your JooJoo shall be automatically saved to the cloud. This enables you to be online even when you switch off from your tablet and want to log on to your PC (which should have the JooJoo software) and you can continue on your previous activity on your PC.

JooJoo seems to be crawling back to its feet with its latest developments relating to app support and the incorporation of Android; however it must be noted that the company must do more to capture the market like providing complete Android flexibility to its users, run promotional campaigns, etc. There is the declaration from Rathakrishnan that the new JooJoos will be sold in retail and by mobile operators, maybe even subsidized. So good times could just be awaiting the first ever tablet maker.