Microsoft plans on showing off its ‘Cloud Power’

The time has arrived for Microsoft to start ‘showing off’ it’s much talked about ‘cloud power’. There were quite a few technology news articles that were focused on Microsoft venturing into the Cloud Computing arena; and it is about time for them to make some noise which shall enable them to fetch some business. By noise, I mean advertising campaigns.

Though it is a cliche in business, it is worth mentioning here that everything (product or service) that is advertised, is sold; and sold easy. Hence it becomes important for even a B2B (business to business) corporation such as Microsoft to advertise to its target market (evidently both small and big business enterprises).

The Campaign Plan

This is supposedly the largest-ever ad campaign launched by the software makers and the idea is to throw light on the benefits of using cloud-based computing over the conventional server-based computing. The chosen medium of advertising includes the Full-Monty i.e., TV, Internet, print, and outdoor ads and the base line on which the theme of this campaign lies would quite obviously be ‘Cloud Power’. The look and feel of the campaign would reflect certain actors playing the roles of different kinds of consumers who testify and compliment Microsoft’s cloud-power products such as Windows Azure, Office 365 and Windows Server.

Change in the Communiqué

Microsoft’s previously adapted marketing plan revolved around the – All In message which was initiated soon after CEO Steve Ballmer delivered his speech in the month of March at the University of Washington. Microsoft has recognized the need for a change in its communique whereby the new message conveys to its business consumers of the lower initiation & installation costs along with larger flexibility that are embedded in the Cloud. Prior to the ‘All In’ campaign which was given birth to by JWT, was McCann Erickson’s ‘People Ready’ campaign and the current campaign – Cloud Power will be handled by Deutsch.

Speaking about the Cloud’s working Microsoft’s Amy Barzdukas said in an interview, “We really do see that cloud computing is exciting…in way we haven’t necessarily seen since we went from mainframe computing to server-client.”

Way Ahead

Microsoft and its creative partner Deutsch plan to carry out this enormous campaign till July next year, wherein the first launch ad would appear on Television which will be run during Monday Night Football along with a full page ad in Monday’s Wall Street Journal. Besides this, there will also be organized a succession of events which would comprise 200 odd software exhibitions with 50,000 plus consumers. Cloud Conversations with real customers is also one among the plethora of the new campaign’s ideas and this would be featured on Microsoft’s web site.

Considering the fact that there are many more ideas to emerge from this campaign, Microsoft can truly rely on this campaign to generate leads and sales for its ‘Cloud Power’.