Monitis - an IT monitoring StartUp

Monitis was declared as “The Most Innovative Start-up” for the Year 2009 by “The 451 Group’s Client Conference. Also, it was selected as One of the Top 100 Private Limited Companies, by the editorial team of AlwaysOn, along with partners at KPMG, Morgan Stanley, Hewlett-Packard, and a few other industry experts.


One of the most important considerations for an enterprise, these days, is tracking the status of their servers. There are various service monitoring providers in the market, and Monitis is one of them. Once enrolled here, Monitis monitors servers, site traffic and the overall performance. These days, IT monitoring tools have become extremely popular and are needed in a small e-shop and in a multi-site empire, both. The web-monitoring and management services of the site are extremely useful to any toolbox. In simple words, it’s an easy way of monitoring the web hosting providers.


Monitis is one of the leading providers of reasonable management solution and performance monitoring. Almost 50,000 customers spanning small businesses, government agencies, Fortune 500 companies and education institutions have selected Monitis for reducing system downtime, improving IT administrator productivity, and reducing operational expenditure. It is the changing system monitoring by providing user-friendly, reasonably priced, flexible (operation configurations includes internal and external cloud and shared), and easy to manage, management solution and SaaS performance monitoring.

Since 2007, Monitis has been trusted by various companies including BMW, Acer, Arizona State University, etc. Once you sign up on this process, a dedicated customer services team helps you in choosing and setting up the Monitis various service packages.

Business Model

Monitis services are divided in two plans and it comes with external, internal and transaction monitoring as well as traffic watches; all plans differing in volume. The most basic plan costs around $95.80 per year, and then the plus plan is $383.80, making this web monitoring tool, affordable.

One of the most important service packages among these three is Monitis Central. It is possibly the one, which has the broadest customer base. In addition, all services are offered as a managed service, requiring very less effort from its customers. Also, notifications on monitoring the results can be sent through Email, SMS, Twitter, RSS or IM.


CEO of Monitis, Hovhannes Avoyan, has stated, “On-demand, Cloud Computing is at high demand now and need for cloud monitoring is explicit. We cannot ignore the request and we provide fast, easy, affordable tool to address these needs.” Also, the users who have signed up for Monitis are provided access to Monitis Cloud, as on-demand and on-line software, which can be used without downloading. This service is beneficial to those who offer IT services, as well as businesses that ranges from small level up to enterprise-level.

Web and Server Tracking is gaining importance with every passing day. At the same time, Monitis has introduced its economical plans, which is definitely going to be a great relief for the people looking out for better management and tracking software.

Note: Monitis have promised that new sign-ups via this blog, will be treated with some good discount, perhaps even some extended free account. If you’d like to avail of the opportunity, leave your comment with a valid email ID.