RIM’s PlayBook vs Apple’s iPad - Who’s Winning!

This could mark the beginning of another battle in the world of technology. Research In Motion is all geared up to launch its latest PlayBook which supposedly stands as a threat to Apple iPad. The iPad has for a long time been catering to users’ needs of enjoying audio and visual media such as books, periodicals, movies, music, and games, as well as web content in a tablet computer format.

Potentially, the one edge that PlayBook could have as against the iPad (given that RIM’s implementation and execution plans do not fail), is the specifications of the PlayBook which apparently looks very striking on paper. The highlighted specification has to be that the PlayBook will possess a 1GHz dual-core ARM processor, and multitasking based on RIM’s QNX technology.

Research In Motion has gone all out claiming that its PlayBook would rule the charts even though its launch is not due until the first quarter of next year. RIM’s confidence must be appreciated here, considering the fact that it has all praises for its next tablet product which is yet to be launched and by which time Apple could well release a ‘better and better’ iPad - (could be Vaporware). Though the development of a truckload of applications for the PlayBook could be a tedious task, yet RIM’s PlayBook has gained a lot of attention over the past few days.

Apparently RIM’s PlayBook (as mentioned earlier) would comprise a Dual-Core processor. Users most time are of the belief that adding a second core would not make much of a difference. However, the fact is that it does increase the processing speed, very similar to Intel’s dual-core processors which enhanced the speed of computing. More importantly having two cores would also mean multitasking. Apple could well be considering this move of launching an iPad with twin processors.

RIM also draws advantages from its recent acquisition of QNX Software Systems, whereby Dan Dodge, Co-Founder and CEO of QNX spoke on how RIM’s PlayBook has gained a technological edge with QNX and said, “The QNX Neutrino architecture can also support true multitasking on multicore hardware – in fact, its multicore prowess has been performance-proven in the world’s highest-capacity routers. As a result, it can run multiple applications simultaneously, while delivering very high performance.”

With this, RIM does not have the need to position its PlayBook as a device that is lower than higher-performance laptops (MacBooks) and ape Apple’s strategy. This multitasking feature would surely give a jerk to Apple and force them to make a similar move soon.

Once implemented RIM’s PlayBook would surely succeed. However, the reason for RIM already giving out information of its PlayBook at least 6-8 months before its launch is not completely comprehendible. Apple could well make use of this news and make a move that could ruin RIM’s PlayBook even before it is released in the market.

Meanwhile, it is time for consumers to enjoy more product options to choose from.