Ubuntu is Free, Better & Worth a Try

Well, let’s face the fact that most of the populace on the web actually works on Windows. The rationale of their doing so in verity differs from individual to individual. Sometimes, it’s the way how a kid is brought up at schools, and for others, it’s the ease of working or may be the sheer ignorance of trying to explore and use something which can be termed as “better”.

Linux Gospelers would always urge you to find something which is more competitive and secure to use for one’s business needs. Practically, most of what is used in Windows is nothing more than an internet browser, word document, a spread-sheet application and an email program.

Right on here, let’s consider Ubuntu Linux as a replacement for your Windows Desktop OS. For beginners, Ubuntu is an improved Debian based Linux distribution with salient features, easy installation, a similar feel of the Windows OS & a neat operational ability on older hardware.

Business-wise, a Computer’s life-span is of maximum 3-4 years and it somehow or the other always happens that the software cost over this span turns out to be more than the hardware cost. And, it isn’t always a smart thing to use pirated software products for short-term gain and eventually end up into a mess. To add on to the security of your PC; a personal firewall, anti-spyware software and an antivirus program are an almost necessity.

Well, Ubuntu Linux is free, has a free office suite – OpenOffice, has personal firewall feature which itself takes good care of spyware and virus issues and last but not the least, a plethora of other utilities. For business sustainability and continuity, Ubunu sponsored company, Canonical can provide free commercial support. And the services just don’t seem to end with a personal version available for every type of business user such as, for netbooks, desktop computers, servers and cloud computing needs. One such example is the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UCE).

Business owners have already discovered that Linux has already started creating ripples in the largest data centres round the globe and has already been installed on millions of computers. The “niche” OS tag somehow doesn’t apply anymore, because the necessary services and components which increase the reliability of business by leaps and bounds are also available in the market.

It would really be un-just on my part to persuade you all to switch from Windows to Linux. But, in verity, I would have been happy to make a choice of a lot less trouble and money; and would have switched to Linux. The food for thought surely exists in business sense here to become free of vendor lock-ins, increased support costs, hardware upgrades and ever so increasing software prices. And then, the protection from the environment and the customers, one gets all at one shot in Ubuntu.