What do we expect from Microsoft’s IE9 Beta!

Sometime back Microsoft revealed the latest Internet Explorer 9 through various public releases. They are readying to release the IE9 Beta and are anticipating a good response from the community.

This, of course is done with the desire to recuperate and re-possess the larger market share in the browser market which Microsoft once dominated. I still remember my first days of getting used to the internet world where my first browser tool was Internet Explorer. Back then, the excitement of relishing the newly invented cyberspace was quite significantly driven by the earliest versions of Internet Explorer. However, with the passing of time there emerged several competitors with the offer of features that were far advanced than the IE.

Though the recently released preview version showcases features such as hardware acceleration, HTML5 and a JavaScript engine that is faster than other browsers, it still isn’t portraying the new rendering engine and is without the most basic navigational features such as an address bar or back button. This could well be expected with the Beta Version as well that would be up for grabs from the coming month onwards.

The Beta of IE9 similar to the preview and final version will work in systems that endure Windows Vista or Windows 7 with no provision for users to install and run it with an Internet Explorer 8 already installed in the system. However, for irritable users who do not want to go through the uneasiness of uninstalling IE 8 there would be more preview versions wherein the IE9 can be run alongside of the existing IE.

Another feature to be contemplated is the Hardware Acceleration of IE9. There is not much of a change to be expected here, as it is quite similar to competing browsers and the use of hardware acceleration is primarily for text, images, video and audio. A more substantial use of Hardware Acceleration can be seen in Netbooks that have more profound graphics. Having said this, it needs to be mentioned that the feature would have a larger implication in systems with higher-end graphics.

It is one fact that web and technology users are generally satisfied with a more than ordinary package. And it is another fact that the same users have been frequently delighted (more than satisfied) in the past with innovative and exciting products. Microsoft’s IE9 seems to belong to the former packages. The reason why I say this is that everything that this latest browser has got to offer already exists in the current market; with only a few novelties implemented. The launch of a more innovative, sophisticated and advanced product would always delight the users and Microsoft could well plan on doing the same; with opponents like Mozilla also looking to upgrade their browsers.