5 Reasons the Android Tablet is Better than the iPad
The Android tablet may prove to be better than the iPad in many aspects. Here are the top 5 reasons why Android Tablets will be challenging the iPad stronghold as the consumers’ preferred tablet. It’s important to keep in mind that some features that don’t matter at all to one user, might mean everything to another user. In addition, since the Android Tablet is newer than the iPad, it was able to function beyond design flaws that existed earlier. All of these devices are bigger than a cellular phone but not as bulky as a notebook computer.
- Size Matters - The Android Tablet is available in four different sizes. The smallest is only 5” and the biggest is 10”. The iPad comes in only one size, which seems odd when you think about it. Different sizes for different users as opposed to one size fits all.
- A Better Notification System - The pop-ups that occur often on both the iPhone and iPad are not a problem with an Android Tablet. Instead, everything you need to control your usage is tucked discreetly on the bottom of the screen, which is also where messages disappear to as well. A message on the iPad just supersedes whatever else you were doing and causes enough of a disturbance that you might have to quit what you were doing to read the message. For what might be spam, it’s not worth it. It may be worth to note that the new iOS 5 have done some dramatic change to the notification system that it mimics the Android one very closely.
- Cameras - Although the newest edition of the iPad has two cameras, previous additions had none. That’s a huge oversight to make and allowed ample opportunity for the Android tablet to flourish. Most of the Android tablets offer two cameras, one of which is used as a web-cam.
- Replaceable Batteries - Finally, someone listened to the complaints of people who were forced to spend $100 or more on a battery with Apple products. Their batteries are not removable, which meant that if they went out you could either live without it or buy a new one directly from them, You had no other options and no way to shop around. The Android Tablet works off of batteries that can be replaced like any other battery. You may still need to buy the batteries from them, but it will be easier and less expensive to do so.
- No Need to Sync - The Apple products all require users to control the rate of downloads to your device by hooking it up to a computer. It’s slow, boring. (Of course, users of the latest iOS 5 won’t really have to do that.) The Android Tablet allows the purchase of apps to go directly to the product, with no need for extra supervision by a computer.
The Android Tablet and the iPad are high quality electronics. The differences only apply when determining how user-friendly each item is. The Tablet is in the place that the iPhone needs to go, it just got there first and made a better impression.