A Blogger’s B-Plan

Ingenuity is a pre-requisite for money-making, but Blogging has not yet acquired the cut-throatness of other business ventures, it still remains a hobby. Most bloggers seem to put on blinders when it comes to monetizing their ventures. They do not see the need to multiply their blogs and turn their one time jackpots into a full-time income. After all, you can’t rely on just a whiteboard to be your business log.

Darren Rowse, the owner of ProBlogger, runs three other blogs too - Digital Photography School, FeelGooder and TwiTip. He is also Co-founder of Six Figure Blogging and has written the book ProBlogger : Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income. Apart from this, he is a regular speaker and consultant at various firms. Pete Cashmore could not have been named better and he did justice to his name by making all the money from Mashable.

John Chow best executed his narcissistic obsession for his love for his own name by naming a website after him and sub-titling it as “The miscellaneous ramblings of a dot com mogul.” Then there are The TechZone and TTZ Media Network that will compensate for the money that remains to be made.

A strategic business plan is essential in order to place yourself in the market as a firm contender and assert the seriousness of your endeavour. You need to draw investors, acquire funding and maintain the self assurances of one’s creditors, especially in times of cash flow shortages. After you acquire an all-round idea of your creation, sales work and revenue goals, the other important objective will be the foundation of monetary proposals you submit. Having a firm set of rules to operate upon gives an edge to a new business man.

Techno geeks are the people most likely to have a business plan and a well charted out path for where their business will take them, but often these are the very people who seem to rely on nothing else but their talent and abilities to lead the way. But in this highly competitive, cut-throat world, you cannot move an inch without a map to guide you. It is the optimum combination of talent and preparation that will turn a past time into a profitable business.

Building a home without a plan can prove to be disastrous for even the best architects, so it is only sensible to make sure your venture is well thought out before you pour your heart and soul into it. Further, Blogging is not only about strategy & planning. It’s more about following your passion which eventually leads to money making. Note it!