Android’s ‘Business Thrust’ predicted to crush Apple

Till last year Apple was a pioneer in the Global mobile market with its patented Apple App Store and was earning good revenue. But now the scenario is getting changed with the entry of another big name Google in the category with its Mobile Platform – Android. Alike Apple, Google is also giving more focus on latest applications to attract the user with their Android Market.

Apple’s App Store has about three times the number of apps in the Android Market, with 300,000 for Apple to 100,000 for Android. But in April, Android introduced 28,000 new Apps in the Market compared to 11,000 in the App Store. According to the research firms; with this growth rate around August 2011, the number of apps in both stores will be almost equal. After that, Android will continue to get more new applications per month than the Apple App Store. With very clear future plans Android is attacking cleverly on the drawbacks of Apple’s Business tactics. Apple applies inconsistent rules to their store for what’s allowed and what isn’t.

It’s really a problem from the point of view of an Application developer. In Apple, one can spend months writing software and still can get a rejection very easily. The biggest reward as a developer is getting your software out in the market in the least possible time and without much hindrance. Google is helping developers to introduce newer Applications in there Android Market without such restrictions, that’s making there number of Apps shooting drastically in comparison to Apple.

Another point was, the payment pattern in which Apple was leading as there were only one way for purchasing apps on Android and that was Google Checkout. But here also, Android is working harder with the introduction of new payments options and a different thinking. The Android Market has a much higher percentage of free apps than does the Apple App Store. But free for users doesn’t mean that developers can’t make money by writing an app. Recently one of the highest selling game on Apple market – Angry Birds was released as a free Android app, even though it costs 99 cents in the Apple App Store. The game was downloaded three million times onto Android phones in the first week. The developer makes money on it via ads displayed in the app.

As we know, Google is not associated with things we pay for and Android is an extension of that so rather than selling their Apps directly, Google is allowing purchases within apps by showcasing their advertisements. This helps developers to make more money without giving any load to the end user. Google gives Android away for free, and it’s already $1 billion-a-year business, on its way to becoming a $10 billion business, because of ad sales. Apple on the other hand is lagging behind from Google. With the success of their Android Market, it’s predicted that, very soon, Android will become the Top Seller in the Global Market washing Apple out in the race.

Google seems to practice the real potential to beat Apple; well, good news for some and bad news for the others!