Quanik - A ‘not for profit’ firm for Bloggers

There are several not-for-profit organizations that function in this world and most of them have one primary purpose for which they are formed. To make profits is definitely not their primary purpose. It could be for a social cause, a charitable event, or it could be an organization that educates people for free. There are a plethora of purposes for which a non-profit firm could be started. But this one is unique. Quanik is an online firm that offers anyone with huge passion to make it big in the blogging fraternity. Though their Profile on their website reads as, “A Firm that educates people on the value of self-employment”, their major program or service rendered is in ‘blogging’.

What does Quanik do for you?

Quanik does not intend to make money out of rendering any of their services, but their primary purpose is to ensure that writers (bloggers) of any kind who cannot afford a web domain of their own to have free domain and unlimited bandwidth web hosting accounts, so they can kick-start their blogging career on high-note. It is a known fact that for beginners and amateur bloggers, it becomes a little difficult to overcome certain hurdles and a achieve successful blogging feat. Quanik helps all you blogging aspirants by reducing the hurdles and the risk of losing focus due to those hurdles, by providing proper guidance and help wherever required.

This particular service is named – Talent Bloggers Program by Quanik and this program has certain restrictions.

Quanik’s Restrictions

The first and foremost thing that Quanik looks into is whether the user is of Indian Nationality or not, since as of now they only accept entries made by Indian Nationals for the next 2-3 months. Quanik will screen several blogger entries who have shown interest and have taken up blogging very seriously and choose 10 users who will be awarded free unlimited hosting and domain for a year. It is not very clear if these 10 users are chosen each month, quarter or year. In order to make it, or as the website says “Click here to submit your entry”, a user must meet all the terms and conditions set by the firm.

Now one intangible criterion that a user must mandatorily meet is that s/he needs to take blogging as more of a passion than career. So, if you are seriously considering to blog and have that passion in you to achieve something through blogging then Quanik is the place for you.

A very good platform for bloggers, yet Quanik should (as it will soon) add on more programs other than just blogging. Also, more information needs to be furnished either through their website or elsewhere, on the kind of guidance and help that will be rendered. Surely, all this and more are yet to come. It is still in its nascent stage and has a long way to go and compete in the internet business.