Sharing in the Bliss - Social Media Marketing

The birds and bees of the social world are fighting it out in the marketing world to see who is leading. It is an all pertinent question - Which is better for marketing, Facebook or Twitter? And there are many answers to it.

Eventbrite analyses this question to reveal that, “Facebook equals $2.52, a share on Twitter equals $0.43, a share on LinkedIn equals $0.90, and a share through our email friends application equals $2.34”. It further declares, “Social Commerce takes online commerce to a new level. It marries the natural act of sharing and socializing with friends and the act of buying something online”. Everything happens on the internet, and not even on different web pages.

A December 2010 Business Insider article found after analyzing that more than one million links on both platforms, researchers found that Facebook’s shared links average only 3 clicks, while Twitter’s embedded tweets generate 19. Bloomberg notes that there are 165 million registered users and 100 million tweets sent a day. It gives a bird’s eye view of the entire world and lets your voice go into a much wider platform than Facebook, where your group is limited to the one you create. The Twitter world has a very short memory span, after all you can do only so much in 140 characters.

In Facebook’s favour, there are 600 million users and getting in touch with people is a mere ‘find’ away. The various types of multimedia tools available on Facebook help you send out more information about your firm and regular updates in the form of events, pictures, videos and interesting updates, so you are always visible. But there is such a thing as “too much” on Facebook. New companies come up every day, and filtering through all of those and arriving at yours is quite a daunting task.

What you can do to maximize your market is, to be brief, but visible on either platforms. Do not overload the readers with information, keep it smart and relevant to your industry. A very important point to note is to think local or niche. Keep one eye on global trends, but concentrate more on what works in the local market. Also, always focus on one campaign at a time, running various campaigns simultaneously will make you lose track of each one’s essential selling point. If your campaign is running well on Facebook, then stick to it and build it up, and when you are ready to shift attention; go to Twitter or LinkedIn.

In times of social commerce, you cannot afford to close your eyes to the possibility of building great businesses via social networking websites, as to which one will earn the most for you, it will depend on how you present your company, product, service and which way the market is leaning at that point. Events are inherently social, attending an event means sharing it with like-minded people and reveling in the experience. Social commerce is no different.