5 Ways to Build an Online Community for Your Startup

There are multiple benefits from building an Online Community to create demand for your product. Unlike marketing campaigns, the efforts placed in building online community will give results in the long run.

Let us find useful ways to build online community especially for startups;

Appropriate Platform

Select the most appropriate platform to reach your customers. If some discussions are already happening about your products on a platform like Facebook then you can involve more in those discussions. You should ensure that ‘Facebook Page’ reflects up-to-date information and talks about new launches, etc. It is right opportunity for you to add the required material and facts and figures to convince or substantiate the effectiveness of your products and services. You can reply user’s queries and ask for more questions. If you are doing well at one platform gradually you can extend to another affective platform.


Engage your audience or customers. This is very much important. As your concern is in the initial stages of growth, you should listen to the requirements of your customers. If you are able to satisfy existing customers, satisfied customers will bring in more numbers of new customers. You should respond to the comment placed by a visitor on your blog. You should reach audience in various locations like forums and discussion groups. Instead of expecting a sudden surge of visitors you should be able to serve the needs of existing customers. With consistent engagement with customers, you will be able to remove the drawbacks of your products and launch better products in future which will invite many more new customers. By engaging customers in proper way, you can build community that will add-up on a continuous basis.


You should offer users ways and means to socialize. There should be an option to subscribe to your newsletter. You can offer multiple ways to connect with customers. Connectivity icons of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. should be easily accessible on your site. They should be placed in the most prominent location so that icons can be easily noticed by users. You should offer links that can be shared by users’ friends. You should also expand your presence on social bookmarking sites. These sites will draw lot of traffic as they create authority on your product.

Quality over Quantity

You should focus on quality in every aspect. You should deliver the best product. The product should be optimized as per the changing times and lifestyles. A lack of one single simple feature can make a very big difference. Hence, you should be in the forefront of adaptation of technology and grasp things from the market. In addition to the product quality and quality of service, you should also implant quality conscious customers who will promote or rather advocate your products.


At the end of the day, what you obtain from all your inputs will matter your business. You should have access to data that pertain to different aspects of business. By quantifying the results you should be able to know in which direction your business is going. You will be able to find the returns on investments. The quality community build over the years will attract many new visitors.