Active Content deployment Update

This message is more for my clients, present, past and future, that I have geared up and updated all present projects to be ready for the future issues with Active Content. For past clients, I have contacted most of them, for those whom I have missed, please mail me and I will update for free. For future clients, do not worry, things are in shape.

Active Content Home page on Macromedia, read the FAQ. Active Content Developer Center on Macromedia have been initiated to provide information, tools, and resources for responding to future changes that will be made to Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) browser. The alterations to Internet Explorer are the result of the Microsoft/Eolas patent case. For information on changes to Internet Explorer please visit

Macromedia is also developing a set of free tools called Active Content Update Utilities, which will be available shortly through the Active Content Developer Center. By using the utilities, developers can efficiently incorporate the changes necessary to support content created with Macromedia technologies such as Macromedia Flash, Shockwave and Authorware. The utilities will be provided for free under an open source license.

Developers may please use the forums on Macromedia to discuss these issues, three new forums have been added on Macromedia to address the issues. Developers and Designers are free to mail me or use the comment feature on this blog, regarding the same, I will try to answer as much as I can.