Macromedia Central, Flashcomm 1.5 & Flash player 6 for Device

Now some more good news from Macromedia and some of the best news at that. Take them one by one (a) Macromedia Flash communication Server MX 1.5 is released (b) Macromedia Flash Player 6 plug-in for device is released and (c) Macromedia Central & Royal are born.

Macromedia Flash communication Server MX 1.5 is the successor to the existing Flash Communication Server MX with some of the note worthy features like mp3 streaming, so forget about people stealing your mp3 files as it is now be streamed like an flv file. This means that till now there is no way to cach that file to the users drive or the local machine and yes this will allow real time forwarding assuming that it behaves much like an flv.

Here, we should also not forget about the new HTTP tunnelling which means that all those firewall / proxy problems will be solved, you will have an alternate protocol to specify for your port on which flashcomm listens, like rtmpt://myIP:80, masking itself like a http protocol thus you will access the flashcomm if you have access to the internet. Before I forget the other thing, flashcomm now has its linux flavor as well. Much improved audio / video handling.

Macromedia Flash Player 6 plug-in for Device have also been released alongside the release of flashcomm 1.5, this is another good news. You can start coding in the new ways with Flash MX and also flashcomm videos on your Device.

Macromedia Central is another vehicle that is going to take Flash to the extreme again. So, let us gear up for some great Rich Internet Applications, a marriage of the very best of desktop application, the web and the best of the communication. So, we should be expecting some heavy e-mail flows and discussions on many forums and mailing list. Keep your brains, eyes and ears open wide.