SCORM, the Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model

E-learning, an area where I have never ventured so far, seem to share a sizeable chunk of the usage of Flash these days. There are many Flash developers and designers alike, even dedicated companies, who are solely into this business and are deeply into it; they do it day in and day out. And I should accept their statistics that this area of the business also contributes a good market in Flash Application Development. The most widely accepted standard in this CBT or the Computer Based Training for educational and instructional medium is the SCORM, short for Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model.

“SCORM, a suite of technical standards that enable web-based learning systems to find, import, share, reuse, and export learning content in a standardized way. SCORM is written primarily for vendors and toolmakers who build Learning Management Systems and learning content authoring tools so they know what they need to do to their products to conform with SCORM technically.”

SCORM offers the potential for widespread interoperability of content and reusability of Sharable Content Objects, Course providers with SCORM compliant content are able to deliver courses on any of the Learning Management Systems that support the SCORM standard.
