Brajeshwar on Flash 8 Credit Roll

Brajeshwar on Flash 8 Credit Roll)

I saw the video of the Making of Flash 8 and I could see that I was nowhere to be seen in the scope. Ok, not a problem as I never knew they will use the footages for such a cool video.

But then, I saw Lord Alex, Jesse Warden, Peter Elst, Justin Everett, Guy Watson, and others.

Well, I then realized the pattern happening. So, I looked at the Credit Roll more closely and I saw my name, Brajeshwar Oinam, along with some of the best Flash Developers in the world. This is cool!

I will have to request them to correct my last name, it should be Oinam and not Onem. I should have checked the credit roll during the beta! Let me hope, it is corrected in Flash 9! Btw, I have never looked so closely at the Flash Credit Roll before!