Kill Bill’s Browser

It looks like the whole rage against Internet Explorer have started again with wilder fury. I just saw Boing Boing’s post about Kill Bill’s Browser.

They have 13 hilarious Reasons to Swtich from Internet explorer to Firefox.

Not only that, there is also the Explorer Destroyer. Their claim is that for each person you switch, Google gives you $1, Microsoft loses marketshare, and an angel gets its wings.

Personally, I am not really against Internet Explorer or any browser for that metter though I prefer Firefox as my primary browser. I use Internet Explorer 5, 5.5 and 6.0 to check site compatibility during development, besides Opera 8.5, Netscape 8.0 and the newly released Developer version of Flock. My site still stats about 70% visitors with Internet explorer while Firefox a meagre 25%, the remaining are shared between Safari, Opera, Netscape, Mozilla, Camino and some feed reader, crawler agents.