What is/isn’t Web 2.0?
O’Reilly have a nice article on What is Web 2.0 and Jason point out The top 10 things that aren’t Web 2.0.
PJ Heyett seems to know exactly what web 2.0 is . He says it is;
- pretentious
- oversized fonts
- pastel colors
- buzzwords
- featureless user experiences
- overly friendly and self-important copy
- acronyms
Here is another funny Web 2.0 Checklist
- Give us your email address, we’ll let you know when it’s ready!
- Public -beta- alpha
- Tags
- Feeds for everything
- Built with Rails
- Sprinkled with Ajax
- Yellow fade
- Blue gradients
- Big icons
- Big fonts
- Big input boxes
- Google Maps mashup
- Share with a friend
- TypePad blog for a peek inside the team
- Feature screencasts (thanks, Waxy!)
- Hackathons for new features
- Development wiki
- Business model optimized for the long tail
- It’s Free!/AdSense revenue stream