Ad buyer duped by people selling ads on my site

I would not put screenshots of the paypal receipt, the email nor the name of the person who have sold Text Link Ads on my site without me even knowing about it at all. It came to light only after the person buying the ad space contacted me. He is filing a Buyer Complaint report with Paypal.

The ad space was supposedly spotted as an auction on iWebTool - the original link - is taken down as the auction is over. They were auctioning $350 for a text link ad for 6 months on

I am not sure about this part but iWebTool apparently seem to sell ad space for websites. I have no affiliation nor any relationship with iWebTool. I am also not blaming them of their authenticity but just trying to address the fact that I have no relation with them so far. Thus, I should not be held responsible for any eventuality like the one described above.

If I can remember correctly, it was late 2004 that I decided to go with the wave - to have Google Adsense - on my site. It was an awesome feeling when I received my first Check from Google during late February, 2005 - a sum of $114.49 earned over a period of about 90 days.

Very early 2005, it marked another relationship with Teknopoint, an authorized Macromedia Training Partner, who wanted to lay a banner right on the front page and on each and every article. Ever since then, Himanshu (CEO of Teknopoint), also a personal friend of mine felt that the site receives good incoming links from my site. It even generates many leads to his institute teaching Macromedia Softwares specially Flash. Teknopoint is currently an Adobe Authorized Partner and gives exclusive training on Adobe Softwares.

This overwhelming response have pushed me to take a decision to re-design my site so it accommodate the growing need for ad space. Let me think over the same and I’ll also try to be more selective from now on. However, in any eventuality, I’ll never be accepting link ads that has anything to do with pornography nor anything that is illegal nor piracy. For the remaining, I will take my own calculated decision.

I am sorry if anything goes wrong when you approached third party vendors but I would not be able to help in that case. Please settle the issues with the third party vendor.