How to get back Flickr Login after accidentally merging with your Yahoo ID?

Or how to un-merge your Flickr ID from your Yahoo ID?

One fine evening, I saw that I could no longer find the usual Flickr login but was somehow made to look like I had to sign in through Yahoo and reluctantly I sign in, thus merging my Flickr ID with the Yahoo ID. Well, then sometime later, I could see the Flickr login again and really wished to get back to the default Flickr Sign in. There was no automatic way to do it, no FAQ explaining the same.

So, if you have merged your Flickr ID with your Yahoo ID by mistake and you want to get back, just send them a mail requesting for a password reset to your original Flickr Login. You’ll find that the Flickr guys are good, amazing and helpful people. I got my old login within 12 hrs.

How to do it?

Go the bottom of their FAQ and fill out the Need to talk to someone? form detailing your Flickr ID, Email and the reason why you want to get back. That’s it - Enjoy.