24-hour Apple news video network

The Digital Lifestyle launched a new 24-hour online network dedicated to Apple followers. The site mixes original programs with popular Apple/tech-related podcasts and YouTube material, as well as daily news updates and live coverage of breaking tech news events.

iMac, iPod, and now iPhone. The names have become synonymous with pop culture in the 21st century. And they all belong to one company: Apple. Apple products are pushing and refining what we call the digital lifestyle. From music, to movies, to communications, for better or worse, Apple is the trendsetter for the tech industry.

Using live video technology from Mogulus, viewers can watch live broadcasts and participate by submitting their own video segments. Original shows include “Root Access,” a weekly live tech help show with a former Apple “Mac Genius” and “Gary’s Garage,” offering a look at Apple and other company’s products of the past.