Brajeshwar and Shanta got married on 07-07-07

I was thinking of 11-11-11 as the cool date to get married. However, things don’t always happen the way you want. You have to twist things happening around you to make it work for you in a better way. So, today, on this cool, numbered date 07-07-07, Shanta and I got officially married.

The Wedding

Due to the overwhelming interest from our parents, guardians, and relatives, the whole plan was advanced, and everything started to fall into places, dates, and calendared events. It began with a small family-only Engagement held at a local Temple in Mumbai (INDIA) on Feb 26, 2007. Then, according to local well-wishers, pundits, and Sanskrit scholars, Jun 20, 2007, got fixed for the wedding date.

Well, we got married in front of over 500 visitors, relatives, and family members. That made the people from home happy as we hit the suitable dates and heed their likes, advice, and wishes.


I was in 10th grade (1992) when I met Shanta for the first time. I knew her as the youngest, naughtiest, talkative, and of course, the funniest sister of one of my friends. Never had I in my mind thought she would be my girlfriend or, more strangely, my wife? I asked her to make me good tea whenever I visited their home and even remember lecturing her to study well, sometimes getting down to teaching a bit of Maths and Physics here and there.

She was also one of the most out-going and well-connected girls, who love to ride around the town’s nook and corner on her bike almost every day. I saw her bump on her at most known places - restaurants, ice-cream parlors, soft-drink joints - and cinema houses. That easy access to her made her an ideal cupid for my erstwhile girlfriends. She would happily go in and bring out my girlfriends so I can have my dates.

After I finished high school, there was no connection with my friend and thus never saw her again until early last year (2006) when I was looking for recruits for the QA team at Mixercast. Coincidentally, she was looking for a job change, and her brother got in touch with me through Orkut. Shanta got employed with Mixercast, and my interaction with her started afresh, but things were different this time.

Her hair has grown long. She had shed her typical trademarked short pants, and she looked more matured in her new attire, dresses, and accessories. I honestly do not know when everything started, but we remember talking to her mother about marriage dates, plans for engagements, and ceremonial events.

Well, that’s it, we got married.