Flash Lite 3 available on Adobe Labs

A Developer Edition of Flash Lite 3 is now available from Adobe Labs. Adobe Flash Lite 3 Developer Edition is a standalone player for supported mobile phones to allow developers to test their Flash Lite 3 applications before commercial devices start shipping with the full version of Flash Lite 3 pre-installed. This installer only supports standalone content and cannot be used to view SWF files that are embedded in a mobile web browser or to test any type of personalization content such as wallpapers or screensavers.

This version of the Flash Lite 3 Developer Edition is not locked to the serial number of the device, you don’t have to provide your IMEI number to download the installer. This installer has a startup screen indicating that it is the Flash Lite 3 Developer Edition. Devices that will ship with Flash Lite 3 pre-installed will not have this start up screen in their standalone players.