Known Issues with Flash Player 9 for Linux
Adobe released the Flash Player 9 for Linux 2 days ago. Here are the list of known issues;
- Full-screen mode and windowless mode are not yet available for the Linux player.
- Express Install is an unsupported feature due to the variety of Linux platforms, each handling the Adobe Flash Player plug-in installation in different ways.
- Modal dialogs displayed by Flash Player stay in front of browser windows but do not prevent interaction with the browser as they should.
- When hovering over Flash content on a web page, the mouse scroll-wheel does not work. Workaround: Hover over the HTML content on the web page.
- On certain SUSE 9.2 installations using the standalone player only, trying to Open a browser from the standalone player with SeaMonkey open will cause the player to hang.
- Networking operations in the standalone player are currently slow.
- When the mouse is hovering over Flash content, keyboard input is not sent to the browser.