
permalink: /2007/testfreaks-a-way-to-find-products-and-prices-through-reviews-forums-blogs/

I was looking for reviews, price list, comparisons while I was planning to buy my first DSLR. I settled for the Nikon D40x as it came under my budget and I think I made a good choice for an entry level, hobby photography DSLR.

During my planning process, co-incidentally, a client of mine emailed me about TestFreaks, a new aggregator kinda sites that pulls in reviews, test, etc from blogs, forums and news sites. I won’t say the site is one stop point for all your reviews reading but it does prove to be a good starting point. They are expected to start their private beta soon, sign-up if you wish to be invited.

From the founders of PriceRunner, TestFreaks is VC funded by NorthZone Ventures. The site will be aggregating a bunch information such as, professional reviews, user reviews, forums, blogs and prices. Currently, they are starting off with - digital cameras, cell phones, mp3 players etc.

Let’s hope that TestFreaks proves to be a good site and can help consumers find better products at the best price possible. I hope they will not be biased and can collect an enormous amount of information and organize them effectively for easy access by consumers. They’re currently looking for more Beta Testers; so sign-up at TestFreaks.

Btw, are you a beginner, amateur photographer? Have you had that feeling of hesitating asking questions at the numerous forums associated with professional because your question will look stupid? Well, I felt the same many a times and thus with some like minded newbie photographers, I’ve started an Easy & Simple Amateur Photography Forum. Come, join and ask what you’ve always wanted to ask all about photography.