Podcast Interview with Marissa Mayer of Google

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Marissa Mayer, Vice President, Search Products & User Experience at Google, has much influence in the design, development, and usability of Google products such as Search and Gmail. Marissa plays a pivotal role in the development and launch of key Google products and serves as a key advisor to many of Google’s new talents.

As the 20th hire (and the first female hire), she has and continues to set deep footprints in products such as Gmail and Google Desktop. Her demonstrated passion for consumer products and her engagement with the people she works with have made her one of the most influential figures in Silicon Valley. She has been written about in multiple publications, including Newsweek, Fortune, and Fast Company.

In an interview by Min Liu and Julio, Marissa talks about Google’s vision for Search, ads and apps and personal experiences, lessons. Also find out how she identifies a great product during her “office hours”, which Google application spawned AdSense (a core multi-billion dollar business).