Were-Here shuts down

Were-Here, which was once used to be a must-visit resource site for Flash and related developed, is shutting down. They are now concentrating on their software development rather than running the site.

Here is from their email that was sent out to the members;

As some of you may have already noticed, we closed down our Were-Here Flash Resource site last week. If you have spent any time on the site recently, it was pretty obvious that all of our resources are being used to make software, rather than running the site. We felt that it was simply time to put Were-Here to rest and focus on our core business. With all of the great Flash resource sites out there, we feel confident that our Were-Here members will migrate to a more fresh and vibrant community. Please accept this email as a note of thanks for being part of the Were-Here community and for your support throughout the years.

Wishing the erstwhile Were-Here team the Very Best for their current and future endeavor.