Fedora 10 Released

Let’s talk history! Fedora was created in late 2003 as a Linux based Operating System which gives the users an admittance from anywhere in the world to the most up-to-date free and open source software with user friendliness being the key. It also aspires to the creation of a community for everyone where developers across the globe can contribute with their knowledge and make the OS a superior coded platform. Fedora is sponsored by Red Hat and is built over the Linux kernel which is again supported by the Fedora project.

There was a security breach during the development stages of the project and this was the main reason of Cambridge, the code name for Fedora 10, coming into the gossip way before its launch. But the security breach was well handled by the developers and the result was the successful launch of Fedora 10. The new version is a modification over its earlier version with improved open source security, appliance building technologies and virtualization. The impediment in the release was due to the security breach at the Red Hat Fedora infrastructure but it still has the potential to become the most widely used Linux distribution installation software.

A few tools that have been worked on and can help it stand ahead of the previous release;

Paul Frields, Fedora’s project leader said,

If you look at our original schedule we were supposed to release around Oct. 28 and here we are, four weeks later than what we expected. During that time, our infrastructure team nuked our infrastructure and rebuilt the entire thing.

Though the reason for the failure in the security breach at Fedora project has still been kept under the cover, the company claims to make its full report available to everyone in a short time. Some significant improvements that have been incorporated in the new version are:

Fedora has always kept Linux users happy with the assorted tools and applications. A yet another power-packed release, though with hint of “controversy”!