To - The Outsourcers; From - The Open Source Community

Open-Source community and Outsourcing are poles apart, but the most striking thing they have in common is the dependence on their modes of communication. The Open-Source development communities rely more on the asynchronous modes of communication such as e-mails, online forums, discussion sites, bug trackers as compared to the synchronous modes of communication such as phones, chats etc. used by Outsourcing personnel.

The key to success in today’s scenario rests in the skill management techniques of handling multitasking operations better. That is where the Open-Source communities score over others. The efficiency in handling the asynchronous modes of communication better than the synchronous ones have made Open-Source users all over the world more competent enough to handle a number of operations at one point of time. Another reason is the required presence of the entire team, issues of cultural preferences, creation of record for various events and various other codes of conduct decrease the functionality quotient of Outsourcers who believe in synchronous modes of communication.

The learning cues which Outsourcers can inherit from Open-Source Communities are;

Along with the above, issues like time zone formats, language and culture concerns are reduced because of the advantage of converting the codes into different languages and the virtual presence of its members. It is often heard that it is difficult to get answers for a few questions on the Outsourcing front, but Open-Source community developers are empowered enough to literally lose their sleep in the pursuit of an answer. The motivations levels of these Open-Source users can be duly acknowledged by the Outsourcers and further implemented in their organization.

Outsource personnel need to amplify a motivation level of high order which would result in their quest of searching more than the optimal solution. Thus, it is the interdependence of the Open-Source community which has developed and implemented those highly efficient codes. It will have to be a dynamic process for outsourcing organizations across the globe to develop and implement a system where a lot of focus is made on parameters such as motivation, interdependence & empowerment instead of the low wage rewards which may seem fruitful in the short jog, but do not help even a tad in the marathon.