The art of Linux

As discussed in our earlier article – Ready for LAMP, let’s move on to our mainstream theme - The art of (tao) Linux!

The existence of Linux is inevitable in the realm of LAMP based web development. It is more than incomplete to talk about LAMP without the operating system - Linux. Although Apache, mySQL and PHP/Python/Perl are equally capable of running over non-*nix machines too, Linux predominantly holds a larger share in terms of developers’ choice. Hence the acronym - LAMP.

So, where lies the difference? What is that one-great-thing which is tempting the users and developers to talk about Linux? Is it just the low acquisition cost and access to the source code?


There are a lot more reasons which form the basis for the increasingly high user-base of Linux operating system. We definitely need to know the reason ‘Why’ before we move on to explore every nibble of a technology. You would have come across a lot of them. Let’s key-in some really important ones;

Did I forget to mention that linux is FREE!

Let’s hope these reasons do some good in our quest to master the-art-of-linux. We’ll see more about Linux in subsequent articles. Stay tuned!