Top Free Linux Online Courses

So you’ve been playing around with your tux box for quite some time now. Experimenting with tar balls, the terminal, packages, distros, etc. may now be a part for your daily routine. If you remember, we talked about the existing career opportunities with Linux in a two-post article, few days back. A lot of youngsters admired that nibble of information. Keeping them in mind, I decided to come up with something that would emphasize more on learning the concepts rather than just trying things out randomly. (I know it’s fun though!)

At this stage, or may be sometime in the near future if you plan to get your Linux knowledge a formal nurturing, an online course may be something you would be interested in! These courses would be beneficial for people who have time and interest to master the art of Linux step by step. You may try them out and come up with a feedback as comments to this post.

These were a few free online course websites for Linux learners. One of these may suit you the best! Stay tuned for more.