Great Indian Developer Summit 2009

I got a Press Release of the upcoming GIDS ‘09 and here is an excerpt.

The summit’s program covers Java, REST, Unit testing, Groovy, Spring, Struts 2.0, SOA, Cloud Computing, Web Services, JRuby, RoR, Ruby, JVM, JPA, Apache, Grails, Agile, HTML 5, Ajax, ADO .NET, C# 4.0, C# vNext, Visual Studio, ASP .NET Ajax 4.0, T-SQL, Silverlight and more through various interactive discussion formats. High-profile speakers at the summit include Craig McClanahan (Java Studio Creator), Venkat Subramaniam (Agile Developer Founder), Beat Schwegler (S+S, Web 2.0, SOA), Ola Bini (JRuby Core Developer and Ruby), Nikhil Kothari (ASP.NET & .NET, Silverlight), Dr. Jim Weber (SOA, REST), Howard Lewis Ship (Apache Tapestry Creator), Jonas Jacobi (Founder of Kaazing), Chad Hower (Cosmos, ADO .NET).

GIDS is the biggest gathering of software developers from Java/J2EE, Microsoft computing technologies, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Web 2.0, Ajax, Agile, SOA, and Enterprise IT. Register now to secure your place at this premier learning, networking and deal-making forum.


Visit GIDS ‘09 for more.