Is Nokia trying to fit in there?

Despite being the world leader in mobile phones for several years and with every 1/3 mobile phones being sold is known to come off Nokia’s couch, the brand is being taken for a ride by Apple’s iPhone. With the new iPhone 3G S coming up, Nokia just found another competition to what was already a chaos.

An outstanding touch screen performance, cheap initial investment of $199 (now $99 for the old iPhone 3G phones), the Apple brand and iTunes addiction are some of the valid reasons for people mounting themselves to get an iPhone. App store has several thousand apps which have come up in a short span of few years. Thanks to the easy of use iPhone provides and the terrific touch support that carries it a step ahead. Rubicon Consulting, a research company has come up with a few other shocking statistics which includes insights like;

Nokia has always had a great signal reception and a build quality. Alongside, it has done pretty well with various form factors apart from the touch screen masterpieces. That is one area where the iPhone rocks!

RWW had an interesting article on iPhone, titled – “Today’s iPhone Users are Young, Rich, and Technically Savvy”. We all would agree to this. But the same iPhone users were happy using various phones from NOKIA before iPhone took birth. The question here is, was Nokia not smart enough to give them something that could add to a few decades old NOKIA history of providing great phones with a good battery backup, user interface and robustness? A good level of Nokia Support to add to it.

Nokia, I guess realized the same and has come up with the all new series of touch screen phones. Nokia XpressMusic 5800 was the first touch screen phone from their pocket. Buzz today is about the all new Nokia N97. Nokia is promoting the same by means of press conferences, giveaways, etc. You may want to check out the contest running on this blog.

Nokia N97 undoubtedly has a better camera than an iPhone. Thanks to its Carl Zeiss lens. The availability of a physical QWERTY keyboard is an added advantage for most bloggers and heavy internet users on a mobile device. A higher storage capacity (32GB built-in) and plethora of other features add to it.

Why is an iPhone more than just a phone whilst a feature packer Nokia phone doesn’t yet qualify for the first choice. Will Nokia be able to get the same buzz as iPhone has received amongst the users and not just blogs, tech lovers and geeks?

Where is Nokia, despite reaching several milestones in the mobile market stand next to an iPhone in the feature packed hand held devices. We have already read several articles on what is bad about an iPhone and still Apple proudly stands to it?

There is certainly a lot more than a new phone launch, a press conference and contests that’s needed to get to be the number one in touch screen mobile phone market.

Btw, best wishes and get yourself a Nokia N97.