SnappyFingers - FAQ Search Engine

Recently I was in talk with the founder of SnappyFingers, talking mostly about their Technology usage - Python, AWS, etc. It’s interesting and nice that many startups are now taking advantage of readily available high-end infrastructures via the Cloud.

SnappyFingers was even featured by AWS on their usage of Amazon’s services.SnappyFingers is a Question and Answer search engine. It’s goal is to search for answers amongst Questions and Answers spread across the Internet. Whether you are doing research or home work, or you just have a plain old question, you will probably find SnappyFingers to be of use.

For instance, searches for medical related topics yields better Questions and their Answers. Looking for “liver transplants” or “malaria” does provide many different Q&A in other Search Engines. However, SnappyFingers are better at these type of Q&A. Try it out, just ask some questions and see if can give you the answers.