Truth Seekers - an Online Publishing Venue

Movies, Cinemas have always kept me interested and I would never tire being involved with them in a way or the other. Culture Unplugged is a initiative of expression via the medium of Videos and Cinemas. Being in an extended part of the circle who knows and are friends with the Founders and Funders of Culture Unplugged, I’m lucky to be amongst those who knows what’s happening with them and the interesting, weird things they do.

Culture Unplugged Studios have recently launched its publishing venue – Truth Seekers : Frame Voice – which brings knowledge and insights from writers around the globe. It is about and for people, seeking truth and wishing to frame the independent voice of story tellers and their audiences.

Another online venue that went live last January is “filMedia network”. This film and media network offers substantial archive of quality shorts, documentaries and features from Asia and Middle East, to film lovers around the world who are plugged into the net and are looking for free-to-watch soulful cinema. It also caters to upcoming or established independent film-makers and grassroots production that are looking to reach out to a wider audience (for social mission or simply to share with the world their voice/art). It facilitates their need to be discovered by global producers, find new markets and connect with prospective collaborators from different regions.

With Truth Seekers, Culture Unplugged has initiated an effort to bring film-makers, content producers, writers, professionals from social/scientific arena and world citizens to a single platform to connect, communicate and collaborate in meaningful ways. Its aim is to cater to the innate quest of its audience to seek cultural understanding and transform and evolve the social sensibilities.

Initially, the ‘Frame Voice’ will dwell on current and relevant socio-political debates around culture, identity and media, but will expand the focus in the future to subjects of spiritual relevance. Truth Seekers intends to facilitate cross-pollination of ideas, spirit and knowledge amongst its audience, but above all, it aspires to spawn awareness, expand the vision of future and promote the collective contemplation over global/local challenges.