Adobe endows Android with AIR Technology

Adobe continues to impress the technological world with consistent advancements. In the recent 2 months, Adobe has been in the news, majorly for doing good technological deeds. First, they joined hands with Microsoft in the project – Vulnerability Sharing and secondly Adobe unveiled Photoshop Elements 9 and Premiere Elements 9 Bundle for Windows and Mac. Having achieved such innovations in the computer world, Adobe now seeks to innovate in the mobile phone industry with its latest solution Adobe AIR.

Earlier named as Apollo, AIR is depicted as “a cross-OS runtime enabling developers to use existing Web development skills to build Internet applications that can run on the desktop.” It is claimed to be a product that is said to bring about a new class of applications that could be perceived as a product that stands somewhere between a traditional desktop applications and Web applications and shows promises of opening up a new horizon for web developers.

Android 2.2 smart phones are presently functioning with Flash programs in their web browsers. Now, Adobe will enable developing agents to use AIR and write standalone flash programs. This shall facilitate the fabrication of new and improved applications that can easily be downloaded and sold in the Android market. And the most essential benefit (feature) of AIR is that it enables developers to design an application once and deliver it across multiple phone operating systems, which in technical terms is referred to as a Cross-OS runtime.

Android’s welcoming of Adobe AIR has truly made headlines in the technological world, thus instigating Apple to also jump into the picture AGAIN! Earlier, Apple had passed a major statute stating that certain restrictions would be levied on the number or kind of tools that can be used by developers to create iOS applications. However, this decision has been reversed now and Apple has revised its “App Store Review Guidelines”, wherein the restriction on developers has been lifted thereby allowing Adobe AIR to resume work on iPhone Flash tools.

While this seems to be if not huge, at least a small-scale revelation in the smart phone industry, there are certain people who have sketched out their own perceptions about this development. Some say it is good, some say it not as exciting as it seems and there are also some who in a diplomatic way have expressed that AIR has 10 reasons to be loved and 10 reasons to be hated.

It needs to be noted though, that Adobe as a whole is always passionate of bringing about creative ideas and thus enabling technological advancements. In the normal world, Adobe can be considered as a rare specimen just like Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc who also aim at achieving something new every time.